New Remote Rehab System for Heart Pathologies


Spanish researchers at the Universitat Politècnica de València, the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Medtronic, an ACVP partner, developed a new, remote heart rehabilitation program based on physical exercise routines.

The program employs a mobile application and t-shirts with sensors to remotely collect exercise data for healthcare providers, connect providers and patients, and keep patients interested in their own rehabilitation progress. The program's success is intrinsically tied to its demonstrated ability to improve compliance with rehabilitation.


Improving patient rehab programs in a remote, cost-effective way will reduce re-hospitalizations and improve hospitals' bottom lines. The study also proves that the application of gamification techniques and better data collection and communication improves adherence to exercise-based heart rehabilitation programs. This innovation should prove beneficial in both short-term and long-term frameworks.


A major trend in American healthcare is the transition from a fee-for-service framework to a population health framework, which would require more remote health monitoring programs such as this one. The program could set the foundation for expanded applications in other areas.

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