Towards the beginning of this crisis, I wrote a message to our network regarding our response to COVID-19. Crucially, I want to remind everyone, again, that ACVP has maintained a remote staff infrastructure for many years, and our day-to-day operations and support for cardiovascular professionals has not changed despite COVID-19.
I also wanted to take this opportunity to update our members on how ACVP continues to provide outstanding support for cardiovascular professionals through COVID-19, and how we've been spending our time to continue to support our members and our profession.
1. Facilitating Virtual Continuing Education
The Alliance of Cardiovascular Professionals hasn't stopped developing and delivering quality continuing education in a virtual capacity. So far, in March and April alone, we've served hundreds of hours of continuing education to non-physician cardiovascular professionals through our new CVCEU on-demand education platform, which offers more than seven hours of educational modules absolutely free of charge.
We're working diligently behind the scenes to expand those offerings with all-new content, as well as secure sponsorship so that we can continue to deliver these new modules to professionals for free!
2. Facilitating Discussion & Collaboration in a Critical Time
Through this crisis, we've been blessed to have the active and engaged leadership of outstanding professionals and administrators in cardiovascular care to facilitate discussion and the sharing of best practices in real time.
We also continue to connect professionals, directly, with ACVP's CONNETWORK program. Thank you to our fellows and our leaders for going the extra mile despite the increased demands on their time.
1&2(b): Pre-Announcing Our Live Webinar Series in May
To facilitate both excellent virtual education and collaborative discussion, we're very excited to announce a LIVE webinar series in May which will feature outstanding cardiovascular service line administrators and directors and non-physician cardiovascular professionals sharing their experiences and insight into clinical care during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as looking forward to the new normal in cardiology services as the world slowly reopens.
These moderated panel discussions will provide excellent, real-time clinical education and CEs for attendees, free of charge. Stay tuned for more information - and make sure you're getting our emails by signing up, here.

3. Advocacy & Promotional Efforts Continue
Our staff leadership is deeply experienced in both remote work and advocacy, so nothing's changed on that end. We continue to advocate on behalf of individuals and the profession of cardiovascular care, as a whole.
We've also been blessed to feature several high profile promotions of the Alliance, our outstanding fellows, and the profession of cardiovascular technology in recent months:
The April issue of Cath Lab Digest featured our outstanding Fellows of ACVP, promoting both these outstanding professionals and the resource that is ACVP to CLD's print and online readership. We also collaborated with the Health Professions Network to produce a feature on the career of cardiovascular technology, at a critical time when more individuals are realizing the importance and hard work of health care providers. You can read more about the rationales behind that effort, here.
4. Affordable Membership Options Facilitate Short-term Support for Cardiovascular Professionals
Towards the beginning of this crisis, we expanded our membership options to include Quarterly and Monthly membership options which would decrease the size of the initial dues investment for new and returning members. We wanted to ensure that any professionals whose careers may have been adversely affected by COVID-19 could continue to receive the benefits of ACVP membership—not the least of which are advocacy, career guidance and networking—on a short-term basis, with a smaller upfront cost.
Our annual dues investment is still the most cost-effective membership option for long-term members, and we have been heartened to see that many returning members continuing to support the Alliance on an annual basis. Thank you! Your support is invaluable to our organization and to the future of cardiovascular care.
Support for cardiovascular professionals continues through COVID-19 and any crisis the world may throw at us. ACVP staff, leaders, and fellow members are here as an outstandingly supportive community of professionals, committed to delivering outstanding cardiac care.