This SPECIAL OFFER is GONE Feb 18...
LET'S GET TO THE HEART OF THE MATTER. As a cardiac care provider, you deserve to be supported and recognized all 52 weeks of the year—not just during Cardiovascular Professionals Week. We get it.
YOU DESERVE MORE THAN ONE WEEK. The Alliance of Cardiovascular Professionals works year-round to support professionals in every cardiac specialty. We bring educational and professional opportunities, even advocacy support, directly to you, where you live and work.
Full YEAR of Active ACVP Membership: $105 $50.
Only $4.17/Month with the coupon code CVPGO
This seasonal offer ENDS On February 18.
GET THE SUPPORT YOU NEED. You know—what with regulatory uncertainty and new ways of doing business, "quality care" is a moving target. Plus, the pace of innovation in cardiology is much faster than in other disciplines. What you thought was a sure-thing only five years ago might be long gone already, and your career deserves to be protected.
YOU NEED HELP KEEPING UP. You're not alone. The doctor you work with certainly doesn’t have the time to read every new research study in cardiology—it seems like there’s hundreds every day—so doctors rely on professional associations to pick out what’s most important, or what’s most likely to change the way they provide care.
THAT’S WHERE ACVP COMES IN. ACVP provides the relevant, timely education and information you need to stay ahead of the curve, through our regional meetings, our website and ACVP Blog, our peer-reviewed journal CV Directions, our email newsletters—you get it. We keep you up to date so you’ll never get blindsided by the latest trends.
PUT “ACVP MEMBER” ON YOUR RÉSUMÉ. Being a member of the Alliance of Cardiovascular Professionals indicates to potential employers that you care enough to keep up-to-date. They’ll know you’re dedicated to knowing and sharing the latest and greatest in best practices.
Add us to your résumé, today with code: CVPGO JOIN NOW »
WE’RE NOT HERE TO BORE YOU. Of course, we don’t just mean best practices in care. You need that information and more—you need to know how to get ahead or pursue a career in management. You need to know how changing regulations might affect your job.
OF COURSE THAT'S NOT ALL. With ACVP, "support" means whatever you need. You tell us what you need to keep providing the best possible team-based care, and we'll do our best to make it happen. There's the usual suspects of benefits, too:
- Information
- Education
- Professional Development
- Networking
- Advocacy
TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OPPORTUNITY. Bottom-line, membership in ACVP is about opportunity. Are you going to open the door when it knocks? Start today by joining us.
Your time-limited offer: join ACVP for $4.17/month.
That's $55 off a full year with code CVPGO
Again, this offer is GONE February 18.
YOU DON'T NEED TO BE A PROFESSIONAL LOBBYIST TO PROTECT YOUR FUTURE. You're an expert in patient care and cardiology equipment and procedures. You might even be an educator of other health professionals—but that doesn't exactly translate to the world of State or even Federal government, which requires a different kind of expertise.
DO WHAT THE DOCTOR DOES. Professionals in every field rely on associations to protect their qualifications and educate regulators as to what they entail. The doctor you work with is probably no exception—he/she is likely a member of a group that gives him/her access to a voice larger than his own, to influence lawmakers. ACVP represents more than 3000 voices.
OUR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR IS AN ATTORNEY. ACVP can offer what many other associations can't—strategic access to legal know-how—making sure you get the right kind of support you need, whether that's legal or simply awareness and "marketing" your cause.
ACVP helps get results. READ MORE HERE »
WE DELIVER, REALLY. ACVP stays ahead of the curve—we were one of the first professional associations in healthcare to switch from a large, expensive annual conference to low-cost or no-cost regional meetings so we could deliver continuing education and best practices directly to you, where you live and work. We bring this thinking to all of our benefits. We even support advocacy efforts on behalf of cardiovascular professionals from coast to coast.
“Over five years ago, I said ‘enough’ to bureaucrats in Sacramento. To stand up to them alone seemed like a David and Goliath moment.
“So I reached out to ACVP for help. I have never been alone since then. Working as an individual, you can accomplish a lot, but working as a group, like ACVP, you can accomplish whatever you set your sites on.
“I am proud to say, we are almost finished with regulations that will protect the future of Cardiovascular Professionals. Together we are helping to protect and shape the future of Cardiac Care.”
– Ed Pezanoski, RCIS, ACVP Member
Where else could $50 make such a big difference?
Join your allies with code CVPGO
This offer will END February 18.