ACVP School Membership

The Alliance of Cardiovascular Professionals is now the only professional association catering specifically to non-physician cardiovascular professionals, students and educators!

With over 3000 professional individuals involved in the field at all levels—administrators, managers, nurses, technologists and technicians—and all specialties—invasive, noninvasive, echo, peripheral vascular, etc.—ACVP can provide information and support to your school program not available through any other venue.

Your program—and its students—can rely on the members of ACVP for networking, practical career advice, information and much more.

Plus, our reasonable and fair membership pricing for schools—only $250 annually—makes membership in ACVP a no-brainer for your program.

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  • Certificate acknowledging professional support
  • Complimentary membership & all benefits associated with individual membership, except voting, to all program students.
  • Membership and all benefits associated with individual membership for two institution representatives
  • Online networking among schools, educators, students and professionals.
    • Promote opportunities for your graduates.
    • Communicate with other cardiovascular programs and educators regarding what they are doing, like cutting edge activities and curriculum development and changes.
  • Publish an educator/student publication, or have educators and students publish in ACVP's CV Directions journal.
  • Impact the accreditation process through JRC-CVT and/or CAAHEP and improve it where possible.
  • Impact national legislation that affects students and programs.
  • Develop and list educational resources.
  • Organize and teach exam review courses.
  • Save on ACVP's Preceptorship CEU-approval program.

We think you will agree these are significant benefits. We welcome your thoughts and suggestions as we continue to re-engage this important segment of the cardiovascular community.

Advocacy & Impact for Educators

Now more than ever, this information and support is of the utmost importance to educators and students—requirements in education and for new professionals are likely to change as federal regulations take and change shape.

One of the areas we expect to change will be core competencies required of ALL healthcare professionals—and ACVP is involved with organizations and federal agencies working towards developing fundamental competencies in these areas.

In addition, ACVP provides its school members representation with the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) and the Joint Review Committee on Education in Cardiovascular Technology (JRC-CVT). This representation gives you a chance to have an impact on the accreditation process for your programs.

Your involvement with ACVP will ensure your voice is heard at the national level on these important initiatives.

Membership pays for itself!

School Membership Cost $250/year
National Representation w/ CAAHEP and JRC-CVT & More $5000+/year
Preceptor Program Savings $405/preceptor
Student Membership Savings $25/student
Information, Networking, Support, Opportunity & Quality Priceless

The bottom-line is, your small $250 dollar investment goes a long way. You'll be getting:

  • National representation that may be prohibitively expensive or time-consuming to access on your own;
  • Promoting opportunities for your students and graduates—helping them build their resumes or get access to career advice from ACVP's diverse professional membership who have been where they are;
  • Promoting quality in your program via meaningful networking with other school members and access to professional information;
  • Getting additional savings on ACVP programs & benefits, like ACVP's preceptor program, or member savings program, and more!

ACVP is the only comprehensive resource for non-physician cardiovascular education programs—you should be a member!

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More about ACVP's Preceptorship Program

We believe our school members will find our preceptorship program particularly valuable—and we're offering big savings for ACVP school members.

Accredited through ACVP's Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Continuing Education/BRN (CaPCE), ACVP's preceptor program service provides preceptor program approval for Continuing Education Units.

The program allows for structured continuing education in a clinical setting or where role modeling, feedback and coaching can contribute to excellent additional educational experiences and promote quality, safety and excellence in cardiovascular care.

Learn more »