CVP Week 2020: "Wholehearted Professionals, Wholehearted Care"
We at the Alliance of Cardiovascular Professionals are excited to announce the theme of CVP Week 2020: "Wholehearted Professionals, Wholehearted Care."
We wanted this year's theme of Cardiovascular Professionals Week to emphasize the hard work and dedication of our stellar members and the incredible practice community of non-physician professionals in cardiac care.
Cardiovascular professionals' dedication to safe and quality patient care has touched the lives of practically everyone living in the United States—individually, or through a friend or loved one. Behind every successful cardiologist are non-physician professionals who also strive for excellence and wholehearted care.
Cardiovascular Professionals Week is the ACVP-sponsored national recognition week for these hardworking professionals. In 2020, the week will fall on the week on February 9-15.
Learn more about cardiovascular professionals week 2020, here »
Each year, we hear from too many individuals who haven't heard of CVP Week, or whose facilities don't recognize the week or cardiovascular professionals during the week, which falls within American Heart Month.
Sharing this blog post on social media is a little thing, but it can help spread the recognition of Cardiovascular Professionals!
New ACVP Logo Announced

Coinciding with our announcement of the CVP Week 2020 theme, we also wanted to roll out our new logo! The new logo provides a fresh, updated look for our organization and materials going forward.
We believe the new logo does a better job of emphasizing, with the 'C' cut out of an anatomical heart, our being at the HEART of cardiac care!
We'll be updating all of our materials on a rolling basis to feature this new logo - we hope these updates will give a sleek, modern look to our resources that our members' will be proud to share, and that will reflect the energy and activity surrounding the organization.
What do you think? Feel free to share your feedback with a comment!