I. Role of the President
A. The following guidelines have been created to help you meet the challenge of leadership. As president, it is your responsibility to organize and lead your chapter membership.
B. Board meetings are essential to:
1. Establish chapter goals and objectives for the year. This should be done at the first meeting.
2. Review committee assignments and progress
3. Formulate the policies by which the chapter will function.
4. Prepare an agenda for the business meeting.
C. Board Meeting Scheduling:
1. It is recommended that meeting be held a minimum of once quarterly.
2. Appoint committee chairpersons prior to the first Board meeting so that they may be included in the meeting.
3. Establish a Board meeting time and notify all members. At the time of notification, the President should ask for suggestions for agenda items.
4. Provide a copy of the prepared meeting agenda to the Secretary.
5. Attempt to conduct the meeting in a structured manner in order to cover the agenda items within a reasonable period of time.
D. Prior to a Business Meeting:
1. It is highly recommended that you obtain a copy of Roberts Rules of Order newly revised for your chapter. Review and become familiar with the contents to help you establish and maintain your organization. Of particular importance is knowing and understanding the process of motion procedures. All motions should be made, seconded, restated by the chair, discussed and voted upon.
2. Routinely obtain a copy of the minutes of the last meeting and review for any additions or corrections.
3. Utilize the Board meeting material to prepare an agenda for the scheduled business meetings.
4. Prepare a written agenda and provide the officers with copies prior to the next meeting. Assignments and notations may be made on the agenda for individual officers.
E. Conducting a Business Meeting
Start the meeting on time! Once the meeting has been called to order, proceed with:
a. Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting. Ask for additions, corrections and approval.
b. Reports: Treasurer: a short concise report showing income and expenses should suffice; Standing Committees – these reports should be updates of events and future plans.
c. Unfinished Business the agenda should include any material not completed at the last meeting. The previous agendas will help you to update the material.
d. New Business utilize this time to keep the membership informed on National activities and correspondence. Encourage the participation of the membership.
F. Presidential Duties
1. Conducting the meeting. Conducting the meetings is one of the most effective means of displaying your role as a leader. Prepare and review the agenda in advance.
2. You are an ex-officio member of all committees. You have the same rights as other committee members, but are not obligated to attend committee meetings nor are you counted upon to ensure a quorum is present. However try to show your support through communication and attendance at the various meetings.
3. Learn to Delegate, not Dictate. As the President you are conducting the meeting and must maintain the organizational format. However listen to the voice of the membership it is their organization.
4. Assure that an annual report is submitted to the national office.
II. Role of the Vice President
A. As the Vice President it is your responsibility to become familiar with the Presidential duties, as well as the chapter organizational system. As an officer you should be familiar with the bylaws of your chapter and the national organization. Listed below are some suggestions to help your activities for the year and to introduce you to the Vice Presidential role:
1. Become familiar with the various committees. Know their responsibilities and activities and attend committee meetings on a rotation basis with the president. This would be an excellent way of becoming knowledgeable of the chapter's operations.
2. It is suggested that the vice president serve as the program or symposium chairperson.
3. Maintain communication with the President.
4. Perform presidential duties in the absence of the President.
5. It is suggested that the vice president have experience as a chairperson and/or active committee participation.
III. Role of the Secretary
Note: the role of the treasurer and secretary may be combined in some chapters.
A. As the secretary it is your responsibility to become familiar with the corresponding and recording needs of the chapter. As an officer you should be familiar with bylaws of the chapter and the national organization. Listed below are some suggestions to assist you as secretary:
1. Maintain minutes of the Board meetings, as well as business meetings. Distribute Board meeting minutes to Board members.
2. Maintain (with the treasurer and/or membership chairperson) an up-to-date roster of members.
3. Notify membership of all meetings and elections unless this is an official duty of the program and/or publicity and/or nominations committees.
4. Serve on the membership committee.
5. Maintain correspondence with the national office as directed by the President. Send a copy to the President of all chapter correspondence.
6. If your chapter has a secretary/treasurer office only, there may be duplication of reports. Combine these where possible.
IV. Role of Treasurer
Note: the role of the treasurer and secretary may be combined in some chapters.
A. As Treasurer it is your responsibility to supervise and maintain all funds of the chapter. As an officer, you should be familiar with the bylaws of the chapter and of the national organization. Listed below are some suggestions to assist you as Treasurer:
1. To open a checking account, follow the guidelines used at the bank of your choice. Require two of the Board members signatures to write a check over a set amount. Require a minimum of two of the Board members for signature on the account.
2. To generate funds on a temporary basis for newly formed chapters, request donations from founding members or from equipment or supply companies. Additional revenues can be obtained from educational programs and advertisement in a chapter newsletter.
3. Careful bookkeeping is very important. A detailed report on revenues and expenses should be kept as well, and the checkbook properly balanced.
4. A quarterly report should be prepared and presented to the Board at their next meeting. An annual financial report is prepared and included in the Annual Chapter Report to the national office. (A sample of the annual report and the bookkeeping sheets are included in this chapter guide).
5. Fiscal year is January 1, to December 31 each year.
6. For payment of Board member expenses, an expense report will be completed and approved by the chapter President and/or Board. Explanations for travel and long distance calls should be attached to the report.
7. If monies are available, the chapter may send its President (or other Board member if the President cannot attend) to the annual meeting.
ACVP Online Chapter Planning Guide – REVISED 06/2017
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