Heart Attacks Under-Diagnosed in Women

A recent study published by the British Heart Foundation found that a new, more sensitive and gender-specific troponin test developed by ACVP partner Abbott could double rates of heart attack diagnosis in women.

As it stands, despite statistics showing that men and women die from heart disease at equal rates in the US, only ten percent of women reporting chest pains will be diagnosed with a heart attack as opposed to twenty percent of men.

This inaccurate spread results from a single diagnostic threshold for both men and women, despite the fact that troponin levels can be twice as high in men than in women.

The Abbott ARCHITECT stat High Sensitive Troponin-I test can detect much lower levels of troponin, and when combined with gender-specific diagnostic thresholds, can double the rate of heart attack diagnoses in women to levels comparable to the diagnosis rate in men.

Do lower diagnosis rates affect your work in the cath lab?

Are more women admitted for emergency catheterizations due to lower diagnosis rates of heart attack risk? What's your experience?

New Remote Rehab System for Heart Pathologies


Spanish researchers at the Universitat Politècnica de València, the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Medtronic, an ACVP partner, developed a new, remote heart rehabilitation program based on physical exercise routines.

The program employs a mobile application and t-shirts with sensors to remotely collect exercise data for healthcare providers, connect providers and patients, and keep patients interested in their own rehabilitation progress. The program's success is intrinsically tied to its demonstrated ability to improve compliance with rehabilitation.


Continue reading New Remote Rehab System for Heart Pathologies

News Roundup Friday January 16

CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA—University of Virginia Health System and Bon Secours announced expanded joint clinical programs this week, including new patient care partnerships in cardiovascular services. Their partnership has in the past led to the "introduction of transcatheter mitral valve repair to Bon Secours St. Mary's Hospital in Richmond." The agreement will expand this relationship by developing a shared population health framework.

Takeaways: Healthcare trends are in the news early in 2015 as population health is becoming an all-important buzzword, and the march towards mergers or partnerships, like this one, continues. Stay tuned, we will delve deeper into healthcare trends for 2015 in a blog next week.

The Cardio-Health Diet?

Continue reading News Roundup Friday January 16

Weigh In: Can the Non-Profit Hospital Model Survive?

Earlier this week, Healthcare DIVE presented some food for thought about the general trend towards non-profit hospitals closing, being bought out by for-profit organizations, or simply converting to for-profit models.

Also in the news are new IRS rules for non-profit hospitals that crack down on how non-profit hospitals can collect payments and how they can manage patient debt.

The current debt and regulatory climate could be a perfect storm for the non-profit hospital model.

We wanted to ask you, our members, what do you think? Can the non-profit model survive? Is the trend towards for-profit hospitals a positive or a negative? Continue reading to find the survey below.

Continue reading Weigh In: Can the Non-Profit Hospital Model Survive?