On Thursday, June 25 at 12PM Eastern, we are excited to bring you the second in our series of free cardiac CE webinars! This webinar will be a live-streamed, remote expert panel discussion on 'the New Normal' in cardiac care following COVID-19 fallout, with our experts taking a more speculative look into the near and distant future.
Our panel features our truly outstanding line-up of non-physician administrators at the top of the field of cardiovascular care as well as the fantastic Dr. Seth Bilazarian, MD, Vice President of Clinical Education and Training at Abiomed.

Dr. Seth Bilazarian joined Abiomed in 2015 and leads the Medical Office’s Clinical Education and Training Programs in its mission to recover hearts and save lives, using the Impella platform of devices. He practiced clinical and interventional cardiology in the cath lab for 23 years before joining Abiomed where he collaborates with interventional cardiology and heart failure specialists to develop best practices for use of the Impella platform in Protected PCI and Cardiogenic Shock, and physician investigators in pre-clinical and clinical research in ventricular unloading.
Access instructions for our free cardiac CE webinars:
We're streaming the webinar, live, on YouTube! Anyone can access the webinar on Thursday at this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmhSysWnI-A
As we'll be on YouTube, you'll be able to view the webinar on your phone, desktop, or even your Smart TVs—but in order to participate in the stream chat, you should access the webinar from a desktop or laptop computer.
The live webinar will be eligible for 1 contact hour of continuing education credit recognized by ACVP's CaPCE accreditation program for all cardiovascular technologists, sonographers and registered nurses, as well as the Association of Vascular and Interventional Radiographers, an ARRT-recognized CE evaluator (RCEEM+), for radiologic technologists.
To ensure you receive continuing education credit, you must register for the webinar.
- Register. Register on ACVP's website to ensure delivery of continuing education credit.
- Attend & Evaluate. Attend the live webinar and complete an evaluation - link will be sent to registrants and advertised at the end of the webinar.
- Receive credit via email. You will receive an email from me within two weeks with your certificate!
Catch up on our last webinar:
In the first expert panel discussion of our free cardiac ce webinars series, on June 4, 2020 our panelists discussed how their organizations are contending with the Covid-19 pandemic. We explored the immediate impact that Covid-19 has had on organizations in terms of staff retention and restructuring, new care delivery processes in the wake of Covid-19, information sharing within and between institutions, permutations of “trust” in the time of a pandemic, employee emotional responses to increased stress and accelerated changes, and many more topics relevant to how Covid-19 continues to change the way we work.
You can catch up by watching the webinar via our on-demand education platform, for which you can earn CE credit! But if you'd rather cut straight to the information shared, we've summarized the main points of discussion and commentary, below.
Continue reading Free Cardiac CE Webinars Continue Thursday!