We've communicated with our network previously about changing the format of our Fall regional meetings to be virtual. We're extremely excited to announce what that format will be: Virtual Cardiac CE Festivals which are accessible to all with pay-what-you-can pricing.
Our Novel 'Broadcast' Format
Two regional host institutions will combine their outstanding faculty to present at least six hours of continuing education sessions on the latest and greatest developments in cardiac care in a single, livestream broadcast, scheduled for Saturday mornings. Attendees will be able to drop in and out of sessions, earning CE credit for any sessions they attend in full and for which they complete evaluations.
This format allows us to bring the same benefits of our in-person regional meetings—a focus on the host institution's innovations, priorities and outstanding faculty and a concentrated, complimentary educational experience delivering a significant number of CE credits to host staff—to the virtual space, while also opening up opportunities for wider participation and networking between organizations and among all cardiovascular professionals.
Sessions will be recorded ahead of time to ensure a professional, uninterrupted experience, but presenters will be available, live, for question and answer throughout the presentation. Text Q&A will be displayed, live, as part of the broadcast, along with live surveys, interactive quizzes and even prize drawings for our live participants.
Free Registration Eligibility, or Pay What's Fair
Registration for our series of virtual cardiac CE festivals will be entirely free for ACVP members and team members from the host institutions whose faculty are leading our sessions. We ask that all others pay what's fair for this educational experience—to cover our application costs for educational credit and support our work in delivering quality, cutting-edge virtual cardiac CE to non-physicians in all cardiology specialties. But to encourage widespread participation from professionals in all stages of their careers, the minimum contribution is only $1 dollar.
Note: only ACVP members will be able to access continuing education sessions for credit following the live event. Contributing $45 dollars via our registration forms and attending any of these live events will entitle our guests to a complimentary YEAR of ACVP membership, an $85 dollar value! This holds for current and non-ACVP members alike.
As always, Registered Nurses (RNs), Radiologic Technologists (RTs) and cardiovascular technologists of all kinds—CVT, RCIS, RCES (and any other professionals credentialed by CCI)—will be eligible to receive continuing education credit. You must register and follow instructions before, during and after the sessions to receive your CE certificate.

Our First Virtual Cardiac CE Festival: September 26
Absolutely stellar faculty from Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, OH and Steward Health's St. Elizabeth's Medical Center in Boston, MA have combined to present our first virtual cardiac CE festival on Saturday, September 26, from 8:00AM ET to 4:00PM ET, with seven full contact hours of credit available for attendees.
While that may be an early start for our friend's on the West Coast, we encourage you to join us when you can, as we'll be broadcasting all day long!
More Virtual Cardiac CE Events to Come, Monthly!
Stay tuned for more updates from the Alliance as we confirm more dates and hosts as we strive to present a live broadcast event with at least 6 hours of virtual cardiac CE credits on a monthly basis, going forward.
If you don't receive our emails, ensure you're subscribed to our e-newsletter at this link.
If your institution may be interested in participating and presenting educational sessions for a future event, please reach out to our communications director, Kurt Jensen: kurt@cardioce.org, to open the discussion. There is zero financial cost to our hosts.