About Chapter Websites
All chapters of the Alliance of Cardiovascular Professionals are entitled to establish their web presence on www.acp-online.org as a complimentary benefit.
Chapter websites will be maintained and updated by the national office and at the direction of chapter leadership—chapter leadership can contact communications director kurt@cardioce.org at any time to add or edit site content, and these updates & changes will be made as soon as possible. Again, to establish your chapter website on acp-online.org, contact kurt@cardioce.org.
Chapters can feel free to host chapter-only content on the website—minutes, documents, correspondence, etc.—which will be PROTECTED CONTENT accessible only by members of the chapter who are also current members of the National ACVP.
All current members of both the chapter and the national society are entitled to personal log-ins to the ACVP website—contact kurt@cardioce.org to create a personal account—and chapter members who are not currently ACVP members are entitled to join at a discounted rate. Contact the national office to set up an online portal for dues payment.