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Meeting Checklist

□ Advance planning is a must.

□ Verify all details and communications in writing.

□ Member participation is the key to success: assign responsibilities to keep members interested in the chapter.

□ Request assistance from the national office in identifying potential speakers and topics.

□ Request assistance from the national office in identifying potential meeting locations.

□ If the meeting is being held in a hotel facility, the national office must make the arrangements. This will ensure the best possible contract as their negotiating power is greater than chapters'.

□ Get CEUs from various organizations and particularly from the national office. Plan early—CEU arrival is approximately 8 weeks with the proper documentation submitted.

□ Contact national office to host a regional cardio conference!

National office may be able to assist you in the development of brochures and marketing materials. National office can certainly supply you labels to alert people in your area to upcoming educational events.

ACVP Online Chapter Planning Guide - REVISED 06/2017

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